Handmade vs Store-Bought Success Cards in Kenya

Handmade vs Store-Bought Success Cards

In Kenya, the tradition of giving success cards to students preparing for their exams, especially the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), is a cherished practice. These cards serve as powerful tokens of encouragement, support, and belief in a student’s potential. 

As exam season approaches, many find themselves pondering a common question: are handmade vs store-bought success cards more appreciated by candidates?

This debate touches on the heart of what these cards represent – not just good wishes, but the time, thought, and care put into encouraging a student during one of the most challenging periods of their academic life. 

Both handmade vs store-bought cards have their merits, and each can leave a lasting impact on a student’s morale and motivation. Let’s explore the pros and cons of each option to help you make the best choice for the KCSE candidate in your life.

Where to Find Quality Success Cards in Kenya

  • Stationery Shops and bookstores
  • From street vendors
  • Supermarkets
  • Local gift shops 
  • Online marketplaces like Jumia and Jiji

Handmade vs Store-Bought Success Cards

In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of handmade vs store-bought success cards, considering factors such as personalization, convenience, and emotional impact. We’ll also look at how Kenyan students typically receive these different types of cards and what makes each option special in its own way. 

Whether you’re a parent, teacher, friend, or relative of a candidate, this guide will help you make an informed decision on how best to show your support through the time-honored tradition of success cards.

Handmade Success Cards: The Personal Touch

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Handmade success cards hold a special place in many Kenyans’ hearts. The time, effort, and creativity poured into crafting a personalized card can make the recipient feel truly valued. Here’s why many prefer handmade cards:


1. Uniqueness: Each handmade card is one-of-a-kind, reflecting the creator’s personality and relationship with the student.

2. Emotional Value: The time and effort invested in creating a card from scratch often translates to a deeper emotional connection.

3. Customization: Handmade cards can be tailored to the student’s interests, incorporating personal jokes, memories, or motivational elements specific to their journey.

4. Cost-Effective: With some creativity, handmade cards can be budget-friendly while still looking impressive.


1. Time-Consuming: Creating a handmade card requires significant time and effort, which may be challenging for those with busy schedules.

2. Skill-Dependent: The quality of handmade cards can vary based on the creator’s artistic abilities.

DIY Success Card Ideas for KCSE Candidates

  • Photo collage cards showcasing the student’s academic journey
  • Origami-inspired designs with hidden motivational messages
  • Watercolor or hand-painted cards with Kenyan motifs
  • Pop-up cards with 3D elements representing academic success

Store-Bought Success Cards: Convenience and Quality

While handmade cards have their charm, store-bought success cards remain popular in Kenya for several reasons:


1. Professional Quality: Commercially produced cards often feature high-quality materials, printing, and design.

2. Time-Saving: Purchasing a card is quick and convenient, ideal for those with limited time.

3. Wide Variety: Card shops offer a range of designs to suit different tastes and preferences.

4. Well-Crafted Messages: Store-bought cards often include professionally written, inspiring messages.


1. Less Personal: Mass-produced cards may lack the intimate touch of a handmade creation.

2. Potential for Duplication: Popular designs might be given by multiple well-wishers.

Personalized Store-Bought Options

success card with photo

For those seeking a middle ground, personalized store-bought cards are gaining popularity in Nairobi. These offer the convenience of professional printing with the option to customize messages, photos, or designs. Many online platforms and local print shops now offer this service, combining the best of both worlds.

What Candidates Appreciate Most

To understand which type of card is more appreciated, it’s essential to consider what candidates value most during this stressful time:

1. Thoughtfulness: Students appreciate knowing that someone took the time to encourage them, regardless of whether the card is handmade or store-bought.

2. Relevance: Cards that acknowledge the specific challenges of KCSE and offer relevant encouragement tend to be highly valued.

3. Emotional Support: Messages that boost confidence and provide emotional backing are particularly impactful.

4. Keepsake Quality: Many students keep their success cards as mementos, so durability and aesthetic appeal matter.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Success Card

1. Your Relationship with the Student: Closer relationships might call for the extra effort of a handmade card.

2. Time Availability: Consider whether you have enough time to create a quality handmade card.

3. The Student’s Personality: Some students might prefer the polish of a store-bought card, while others may value the uniqueness of a handmade one.

4. Your Creative Skills: If you’re particularly artistic, a handmade card could showcase your talents and effort.

5. Budget: While both options can be budget-friendly, handmade cards often allow for more cost control.

What to Write in a Success Card

Whether handmade or store-bought, the message inside is crucial. Here are some ideas:

  • Believe in yourself as much as we believe in you. You’ve got this, [Student’s Name]!
  • Your hard work and dedication will shine through in your KCSE. We’re cheering for you!
  • Stay focused, stay calm, and remember how far you’ve come. Success awaits!
  • This KCSE is just one step in your amazing journey. We’re proud of you no matter what!


In the debate between handmade vs store-bought success cards for candidates, there’s no clear winner. Both options have the potential to be deeply appreciated, depending on the thought and care put into the selection or creation process. But as for me I’s prefer handmade success cards.

Handmade cards offer a personal touch and unique charm that can make a student feel especially valued. On the other hand, store-bought cards provide a polished look and well-crafted messages that can be equally impactful when chosen thoughtfully.

Ultimately, what matters most is the sentiment behind the card. Whether you decide to craft a DIY masterpiece or select a beautiful store-bought design, your support and encouragement are what will truly resonate with the candidate.

Remember, the goal is to boost the student’s confidence and motivation during a challenging time. Whichever option you choose, make sure it comes from the heart and speaks to the individual student’s journey and potential.

Have you given or received a particularly memorable success card? What made it special? Share your experiences in the comments below and let’s celebrate the power of encouragement in our students’ lives!


Vinaywa is the founder of Artmall Gift Shop, Kenya's leading online gift shop nominated for Best Gifts eCommerce Website. With over 6 years in the gifting industry, her passion is curating unique gifts and sharing shopping guides, DIYs, gifting tips and heartfelt messages to make Artmall a trusted gifting resource.

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